The season will include 33 games and will again be held at one venue, this time cover five weeks from August 12 to September 11.
Last year’s venue, Pulman Arena in South Auckland, is amongst the venues being considered for the 2021 season.
The 2021 season will feature the Otago Gold Rush, Canterbury Wildcats, Capital Swish, Waikato Wizards, Auckland Dream, and Harbour Breeze, with each team playing each other twice before a Final 4.

“This year, we’re taking the sport to the next stage with more tournaments, more broadcasts, and the possibility of seeing some foreign players back as well.
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“The growing number of Kiwi women playing internationally is more proof of the game’s success in New Zealand, and the Sal’s NBL plays a critical role in creating elite pathways for our players,” Nelson said.
The league: *The Sal’s NBL women will tip off in August*
Basketball fans: pic.twitter.com/v8iBezMFtK
— Linden (@lindenmoore22) March 31, 2021
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Sal’s NBL 2021 Season – Women
Thursday, August 12
7pm: Dream vs Wizards
Friday, August 13
6pm: Gold Rush vs Swish
8pm: Breeze vs Wildcats
Saturday, August 14
6pm: Wizards vs Gold Rush
8pm: Breeze vs Dream
Sunday, August 15
6pm: Wizards vs Swish
8pm: Dream vs Wildcats
Thursday, August 19
6pm: Breeze vs Gold Rush
8pm: Swish vs Wildcats
Friday, August 20
6pm: Wizards vs Breeze
8pm: Dream vs Swish
Saturday, August 21
6pm: Wildcats vs Wizards
8pm: Dream vs Gold Rush
Sunday, August 22
6pm: Swish vs Breeze
8pm: Gold Rush vs Wildcats
Thursday, August 26
7pm: Wizards vs Dream
Friday, August 27
6pm: Swish vs Gold Rush
8pm: Wildcats vs Breeze
Saturday, August 28
6pm: Swish vs Wizards
8pm: Wildcats vs Dream
Sunday, August 29
6pm: Gold Rush vs Wizards
8pm: Dream vs Breeze
Thursday, September 2
6pm: Wildcats vs Swish
8pm: Gold Rush vs Breeze
Friday, September 3
6pm: Swish vs Dream
8pm: Breeze vs Wizards
Saturday, September 4
6pm: Gold Rush vs Dream
8pm: Wizards vs Wildcats
Sunday, September 5
6pm: Breeze vs Swish
8pm: Wildcats vs Gold Rush
Thursday, September 9
7pm: Semi-Final 1 (1st vs 4th)
Friday, September 10
7pm: Semi-Final 2 (2nd vs 3rd)
Saturday, September 11
7pm: Grand Final (SF1 winner vs SF2 winner)
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